FPA response to the Welsh Government Consultation on the Separate Collection of Waste Materials for Recycling and to the Welsh Government Consultation on proposals for enforcing business, public and third sector recycling regulations in Wales.
vi) None of the above: Packaging trade association specialising in packaging used by foodservice businesses, restaurants, pubs & bars and caterers
ii) Mostly useful
The sub-fractions are laid out clearly however reviews should be built in to allow for new materials being developed and current materials that may not be readily recycled becoming more recycled as investment in new reprocessing facilities are made
i) Yes
However we aren’t certain whether the premises includes mobile facilities and street food / stalls.
i) Yes
ii) No
i) Very useful
As further packaging legislation his introduced it is very helpful to contain relevant information from complementary legislation in all documents. Simplifying the communication of regulations into one portal would be of immense help to small businesses especially. Such businesses have limited resources to guide them through complex regulations, while for many in foodservice English is not their prime language.
i) Yes
ii) Somewhat satisfied
A regular review of explanations will be needed as reprocessing facilities change and new materials are used.
We are pleased cartons are being collected. Many foodservice businesses placing them in this stream will require some education. Conversations held with smaller operators has revealed they view cartons as a paperboard based pack and so their natural inclination is to place cartons in the paper stream. Most important is to have a definite ruling and communicate this clearly. A large number of cartons are used by foodservice operators and caterers
i) Yes
We greatly welcome the placing of paper cups in this stream and believe the definition need only state ‘other fibre-plastic composite packaging’ without the reference to cartons. Knowledge on the make up of cups varies greatly so a defined list of packaging will need to be produced rather than a generalised description. We would also like a reference to the mandatory take back of paper cups to be included in the UK government’s EPR legislation. This means more coffee shops and cafes will have used paper cups on their premises. Facilities reprocessing paper cups must be recognised in the regulations so we have a more joined up system. Boy including cups more below de minimis sellers of drinks in them will be encouraged to participate. We would also like cold drinks cups to be included.
We propose compostable composite fibre-plastic packaging cups, designed to be industrially composted, should be collected separately by those traders using compostables who will then use their current specialist waste channels to collect and reprocess them? Alternatively compostable cups should be placed in food waste.
i) Yes
A large number of the items referred to in Q.12 are used in hospital catering
Communication of the code is vital and should bear in mind the multiple languages used by smaller foodservice operators. We would therefore like guidance to made available in multiple languages to reflect the very diverse nature of the sector and the language skills of those who will be placing items in bins. Often it is agency staff that are used in kitchens to clean and dispose of waste. Guidance must be made available soon to enable retailers to have the necessary bins in place and to conduct staff training. An in-kitchen poster would be very welcome.
However we need to understand better the level of policing involved and what that will mean for foodservice operators in practice. Of course the incentive is for business owners to train their staff but in busy kitchen mistakes can easily be made. What of bins placed outside premises that the public can access. A possibility being the placing of incorrect items in retailers’ bins by members of the public. Would an option be on the ‘first offence’ to mandate the attendance of a course similar to those for speeding offences? Surely this would be more constructive use of the fines?
We’d love to hear from you whether it’s about potential membership, a query or question about foodservice packaging or if you’d like to talk to someone. Use our contact form and we’ll get back to you.